Chapter 1: Policies and Management

Effective Date: July 1, 1997 (Issue No. 2)

Last Updated: December, 2014

A. Statement of Philosophy

It is the policy of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to provide for the protection of its personnel, attending students, visitors, facilities and surrounding environment through the development and implementation of a comprehensive safety and environmental protection programme. This programme will help to promote the University’s mission of assisting in the social and economic development of Hong Kong through,

(1) the instillation of a proper awareness and expectation for the standards of health, safety, and environmental quality among HKUST appointees and students,
(2) the establishment of an appropriate benchmark for safety and environmental protection at HKUST, and
(3) the promotion of the philosophy, principles, and practices of safety and environmental protection through educational and outreach initiatives.

Furthermore, this safety and environmental protection programme will be an integral part of HKUST's strategic planning in that all ongoing and future university programs and initiatives, from concept to execution, will include due consideration and parallel effort on ensuring safety of personnel and protection of the environment.


B. Statement of Programme Objectives

  1. The University will dedicate all reasonable resources and effort possible to protect its appointees, students, facilities, and the environment, placing priority emphasis towards the provision of:
    1. A safe place to work, study and reside with safe access to and departure from the worksite, classroom and residential facilities.
    2. Information, appropriate instruction, and training that will enable all employees and students to recognize and control potential hazards.
    3. Proper and safe procedures for the use, handling, storage, transport, and disposal of articles, hazardous materials and waste, and dangerous machinery.
    4. Appropriate information and controls to minimize the environmental impact of University operations.
  2. Employees and students will assume responsibility for assuring their own safety by complying with this programme and following any additional management instructions. It is also the responsibility of individuals to recognise potential hazards related to their work, to learn and implement safety procedures and to seek assistance in managing these hazards as needed.
  3. The safety and environmental protection programme will be implemented as defined under Section C (Administrative Roles and Responsibilities for Implementation). All employees and students are required to comply with the stated programme elements and to accept responsibilities as outlined.
  4. All individuals assigned specific responsibilities under section C must appropriately delegate these responsibilities in their absence.
  5. The HKUST safety and environmental protection programme will be delivered to, understood and implemented by all employees and students. Periodically, the programme will be modified or supplemented as needed.


C. Administrative Roles and Responsibilities for Implementation

 1. The President, or his/her delegated representative, the Vice-President for Administration and Business (VP-AB):

  1. To establish the University’s safety and environmental protection policies.
  2. To have overall responsibility for the safety and environmental protection efforts of the University.
  3. To ensure the implementation of the University’s safety and environmental protection policies.
  4. To ensure the provision of sufficient resources for the implementation of the relevant University policies established by the Council, and to periodically appraise the extent to which the policies have been implemented.
  5. To take reasonable steps to ensure that the University’s safety and environmental protection policies are understood at all levels.
  6. To ensure that responsibilities under relevant Government Ordinances and Regulations concerned with safety and environmental protection are properly assigned and accepted at all levels.
  7. To ensure the provision of sufficient resources for the functioning and operation of the Health, Safety and Environment Office (HSEO).


2. The Director of Health, Safety and Environment :

  1. To report directly to the VP-AB.
  2. To advise and keep the University informed on matters of safety and environmental protection.
  3. To assist Unit Heads and Departmental Safety Officers in developing and implementing unit safety and environmental protection policies with respect to standards and procedures.
  4. To assess efficacy of safety and environmental protection programmes and standards of practice through personnel exposure and environmental monitoring, periodic programme audits and/or reviews.
  5. To plan, acquire and manage resources necessary to meet the charter of HSEO, including the selection and management of appropriate professional, technical and administrative personnel, and the acquisition & maintenance of necessary equipment for the evaluation and control of occupational hazards and environmental pollutants.
  6. To maintain and analyze records pertaining to personnel accidents, environmental spills of hazardous materials and fires, etc.
  7. To report regularly to the University Administrative Committee on safety performance and accident trends.
  8. To develop and conduct, educational activities related to the safety and environmental protection of all appointees and students, in consultation with other relevant departments as necessary.
  9. To evaluate information provided by those responsible for the design and construction of new buildings and for the modification of existing buildings and advise on all matters relating to safety and environmental protection.
  10. To keep abreast of the safety and environmental impacts of emerging technology engaged at HKUST, and provide necessary expertise and guidance to help ensure personnel and environmental safety.
  11. To develop emergency response plans and procedures in conjunction with other relevant offices and departments.
  12. To represent the University in interacting with regulatory agencies on safety and environmental protection matters including the acquisition of permits and licenses for the storage, handling, use, release, and disposal of hazardous materials.
  13. To provide guidance on technologies and methodologies for waste minimization and waste recycling.
  14. To provide guidance on the preservation of the environment including control of air and water pollution, noise, resource conservation and ozone layer protection.
  15. To coordinate efforts in advising the University, departments, and individuals, on health, safety and environmental issues.
  16. To establish and manage occupational and environmental health programmes, including medical surveillance and work restrictions.
  17. To issue stop work orders when encountering imminently dangerous situations or repeated safety violations.


3. Heads of Units (including Departments, Offices, Centres, etc.) :

  1. To draw up a detailed unit statement reflecting and amplifying the University’s statement of policy as it pertains to each unit, and to establish, promote and administer safety and environmental protection procedures and standards in consultation with and on the advice of the Director of Health, Safety and Environment.
  2. To review their own safety and environmental protection procedures regularly and issue amendments to, or revisions of, their directives as necessary in consultation with and on the advice of the Director of HSEO.
  3. To administer a safety and environmental protection programme pertinent to the personnel and facilities under their direction.
  4. To select a qualified senior full-time appointee within the unit to act as Departmental Safety Officers and to assure that he/she fulfils the duties.
  5. To ensure that all staff and students are aware of the importance of safety and of their responsibilities for the safety of those who work with or study under them.
  6. To ensure that all appointees are aware of the University’s commitment to, as well as their responsibilities towards the protection of the environment.
  7. To include safety compliance as a part of personnel performance appraisals.
  8. To issue stop work orders when encountering imminently dangerous situations or repeated safety violations.


4. Departmental Safety Officers (including safety officers from departments, offices, centres, etc) :

  1. To inform their Head of Unit and the Director of HSEO of any special safety or environmental hazards in, or new hazards about to be introduced into the department/unit.
  2. To inform new members of the unit, including students, of the University’s safety and environmental protection policies, as well as specific unit safety statements, standards and procedures.
  3. To conduct activities for stimulating and maintaining interest in the safety of personnel in the unit and also in the protection preservation and improvement of the environment.
  4. To coordinate efforts with appropriate supervisory personnel so as to ensure that all machinery and equipment will be maintained and used in a safe condition.
  5. To coordinate efforts with appropriate supervisory personnel so as to ensure that first aid and safety facilities are properly maintained.
  6. To promote, plan, and direct a regular compliance inspections effort in consultation with the Director of HSEO. Report any cases of non-compliance to the Head of Department and to HSEO.
  7. To coordinate efforts with appropriate supervisory personnel so as to ensure that personnel accidents, incidents or accidental releases of hazardous materials are reported promptly in accordance with University procedures.
  8. To liaise with the HSEO.
  9. To recommend accident prevention and environmental protection measures to the Head of Department as necessary.
  10. To issue stop work orders when encountering imminently dangerous situations or repeated safety violations.


5. All other appointees and students of the University :

  1. To be familiar with, and conform to, the University and Departmental safety and environmental protection policies.
  2. To be responsible for their own personal safety through learning about and controlling hazards associated with their work and by complying with safety and health requirements.
  3. To use appropriate safety equipment in accordance with departmental rules and procedures.
  4. To employ all available and appropriate engineering or administrative controls to comply with environmental protection requirements.
  5. To comply with all instructions issued by the appropriate authorities.
  6. To carefully plan operations and to promptly inform their supervisors or Departmental Safety Officers of any safety or environmental hazard that may be encountered during the work.
  7. To report all accidents, incidents, accidental releases/spills of hazardous materials, and damage of property to their supervisors and Departmental Safety Officers.
  8. To provide appropriate suggestions to improve health and safety to their supervisors and Departmental Safety Officers.
  9. To provide appropriate suggestions to better improve/preserve the environment to their supervisors and Departmental Safety Officers.
  10. To assume individual responsibility for the protection of the environment by complying with air pollution control, hazardous waste management and resource conservation requirements.
  11. To stop performing work if an unsafe condition is anticipated or identified.

6. Visitors

  1. To take note of warning signs and placards and follow safety directives
  2. Keep out of areas which are closed to unauthorized visitors.
  3. Follow instructions from host and comply with safety requirements, if applicable.
  4. Ask questions when in doubt. Contact host, if any, or security if help is needed.


D. Departmental Health & Safety Management and Audits

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, the University has the duty to ensure the safety and health of its employees. To ensure that such duty is carried out, the University has to rely on the leadership and commitment of the senior management staff in each of the departments. Heads of Departments are therefore expected to put their efforts into setting up an appropriate management program to ensure that health and safety matters in their departments are under control. Health and safety audits should also be conducted at appropriate intervals to systematically review and examine the department's health and safety efforts to ensure that the necessary arrangements are implemented effectively for achieving the department's safety policy and goals. The guidelines for setting up a department health and safety program and conducting health and safety audits are detailed in the following appendices 1A and 1B of this chapter.



Appendix 1A Departmental Health and Safety Management Guidelines

Appendix 1B Departmental Health and Safety Audit Guidelines