
The Health, Safety and Environment Office Laboratory (HSEO Lab) is the analytical support section of the Health, Safety and Environment Office (HSEO).  We are located at Room 3107 of the Academic Building (near Lift 19) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) at Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong.

The laboratory space was handed over to HSEO in December 1993. Starting mid 1994, the HSEO Lab was capable to carry out many sample analyses related to environmental and occupational compliance and monitoring purposes for the HKUST community.  These samples mainly include wastewater, potable water, swimming pool water, adsorbent tubes, organic vapor monitors and filters.  The samples sent out for analysis by contract laboratories were reduced to a very low level by the end of 1994.  As of 2024, the average number of analyses conducted by the HSEO Lab is about 5000 per year.