Chapter 3 - Appendix

Appendix 3A

Fire Emergency Procedures for Departmental Safety Officers & Their Assistants

A. If you are notified of a FIRE, remain calm and take immediate action as follows: 

  1. Look for the fire scene to check whether it is a genuine fire.
  2. If it is a genuine fire, break the nearest fire alarm glass to raise the alarm (if the alarm has not been activated).
  3. Ask someone (or do it yourself) to report the fire to the Security Control Centre by dialling 8999.
  4. Direct the occupants to proceed via the nearest available exit/staircase to the designated assembly point. (refer to Appendix 3C)
  5. If it is only a small fire and safe to do so, attempt to put out the fire by using the nearest appropriate fire fighting equipment, i.e. fire extinguisher, fire blanket, fire bucket or hose reel.
  6. Inform the Fire Fighting Squad leader on his arrival on the details of the fire situation.
  7. If safe to do so, check all areas, including offices, lecture rooms, changing rooms, toilets, etc. to ensure that everybody is out.
  8. Proceed to the assembly point with the doors closed behind you.
  9. Report to the Security Controller at the assembly point if assistance is needed, e.g. missing persons or trapped persons.

B. The Departmental Safety Officer & his Assistants should be familiar with the following things in the department/area: 

  1. Whether there are any handicapped person(s) or pregnant women working or studying in the area. If yes, someone should be appointed to look after them in case of emergency. 
  2. The locations of the fire alarm and the fire fighting equipment.
  3. The usual number of persons report for working at the area each day.
  4. The appropriate fire escape routes.


Appendix 3B

General Fire Emergency Procedures

These fire emergency procedures are for the Academic Building. For student dormitory residents, refer to Hall Handbook for fire emergency procedures.

When you hear the fire alarm:

  • Remain calm and check if there is any sign of fire in the vicinity.
  • If you see fire or smoke, or hear the announcement asking you to evacuate, follow the evacuation procedures below.
  • If there is no sign of a fire, stay alert and pay attention to announcement until the fire alarm is silenced.
  • Evacuate if the alarm has sounded for more than two minutes.
  • If you hear the buzzer sound which indicates fire alarm is activated in an adjacent fire zone, stay alert and pay attention to announcement.
  • If you hear both the buzzer and the fire alarm, you are near the boundary of fire zones, treat as if you hear the fire alarm.

If you discover a fire:

  • Activate the fire alarm by pressing the breakglass fire alarm button.
  • Report to Security Control Centre by dialling 8999.
  • Alert other people.
  • If SAFE to do so, try to put out the fire by fire fighting equipment.
  • DO NOT take any personal risk. If the fire gets beyond your control, evacuate immediately by following the procedures below.
  • Close the door of the room on fire.


Fire Fighting Equipment 

i) Water from the hose reels is good for wood and paper fire, structural fire, but NOT for oil, electrical or metal fire.

ii) The most common fire extinguishers on campus is the carbon dioxide type (black container) which are good for general purposes, including oil and electrical fire.

iii) Some laboratories have dry powder fire extinguishers (blue container), which are good for chemical fire, including metal fire.

iv) Sand can be used to contain flammable liquid as well as put out a fire, including metal fire.

v) Fire blanket can be used when someone’s clothing catches fire.


When there is a fire and you need to evacuate:

  • Remain calm. Walk, do not run, especially when travelling on staircases.
  • Immediately leave the building and go to the assembly point using the nearest exit.
  • Try to help those who may have difficulties travelling such as disabled and pregnant persons.
  • Report to your Fire & Safety Officer at the assembly point as far as practicable.
  • Do not return to the building until permission is given by the Fire Services Department Officer in charge of the scene.

When your clothing is on fire:

  • Drop to the floor and roll your body to extinguish the fire.
  • If fire blanket is available, wrap around the body to help smother the fire.
Appendix 3C