A. Introduction

Construction work in occupied premises of the University can create risks for workers engaged in the work, and for the premises occupants (staff, students and visitors of the HKUST). The purpose of this document is to set forth the safe working practices required of contractors in safeguarding the occupants of the University from potential hazards associated with their work.

The contractor must comply with all applicable safety legislation and take all reasonably practicable steps to prevent hazards or ill health effects caused by specific aspects of the work not covered by this document.

The contractor or his/her site representatives must act promptly on all safety and health instructions issued by the supervising officers of the HKUST (i.e. responsible persons from Health, Safety and Environment Office and appropriate sections of the Facilities Management Office including Security Office).

B. Contractor’s Organization for Safety
  1. Liaison on site
    • The contractor must appoint a senior member of his site staff to act as a liaison officer. He/ she should maintain day to day communications in respect of the work with the supervising officers of HKUST.
    • The contractor’s liaison officer is also responsible for contact and coordination with their subcontractors. The liaison officer should ensure that their subcontractors are fully aware of the safety requirements. The liaison officer is responsible for ensuring that the subcontractor’s work meets these requirements.
    • The contractor’s liaison officer or supervisor should notify appropriate supervising officers of HKUST before any of their employees begin new work or restart work in parts of the buildings or grounds outside the perimeter fence of the works, and of any work inside the perimeter fence which may affect the premises occupants.
  2. Site supervision
    The contractor must provide full and adequate site supervision during the work periods and have a competent and authorized agent or general foreman available at all times. Such authorized agent should be able to receive and act promptly, on behalf of the contractor, on all safety and health instructions issued by the supervising officers of HKUST or any other authorized officers, such as officers from the Labour Department.
C. Risk Assessment and Safety Plan

Depending on the nature and complexity of the works, the contractor may be required to perform an appropriate risk assessment for their works and submit a work plan to the supervising office of HKUST.

D. Segregation of Work Areas
  1. For work in areas wholly handed over to contractors
    • Parts of the premises not occupied or required for public access should be adequately fenced off to prevent access by unauthorized persons.
    • Details of the fencing and protection should be agreed by HKUST beforehand. Unless otherwise agreed, the fencing must be erected before the works begin. Necessary safety measures must be in place when the fencing is being erected, including safeguards for occupants and pedestrians.
    • The contractor must provide lockable entrance gates and ensure that they are securely locked after working hours or when the site is unattended. Appropriate arrangements should be made with the HKUST Security Control Centre (SCC) for after-hours access to the site in the event of an emergency.
    • Appropriate warning signs and notices on specific hazards of the works should be posted at the entrances and other appropriate locations.
  2. For work in and around occupied areas
    • Wherever it is reasonably practicable to do so, work areas should be physically separated from areas used by premises occupants. Details of the separation should be established before work commences with the approval by the supervising officers of HKUST.
    • If the work areas cannot practicably be segregated by boarding, other effective means should be used (e.g. movable steel fences, barrier tapes, etc.). The means of segregation must be able to prevent premises occupants from inadvertently getting into the work areas or areas affected by the work.
E. Safeguarding of Public Access
  1. Those parts of the site that have to remain open to the occupants and the public must be provided with protected walkways.
  2. The contractor must not block any public access during the progress of the works. If this is not possible, alternative arrangements must be made in consultation with the responsible supervising officers of HKUST.
  3. All equipment and materials delivered on site must be properly stored at locations that would cause the least inconvenience to the premises occupants. Details of the storage arrangement should be discussed with and agreed by the responsible supervising officers of the HKUST.
F. Provision of Warning Notices

The contractor must provide adequate and proper warning signs and notices to warn premises occupants and the public of possible hazards created by the works. All warning signs must be written in both English and Chinese.

G. Protection against Falling Objects for Occupants and the Public
  1. Protection at scaffolding
    • All working platforms in use on scaffolding must be adequately supported and fully boarded. This includes the provision of guardrails and toe-boards. Where there is a risk of materials being displaced, or debris falling through the barrier fencing, the fencing must be of solid construction (i.e. boarded or sheeted).
    • Where doors/entrances/public access ways are present beneath scaffolds or any other high level work, protective fans must be provided which are of adequate strength and capable of catching any materials falling down. Scaffold tubes must not protrude into access ways and impede the full opening of doors. If natural or artificial lighting is significantly obstructed by the scaffolds, additional lighting should be provided. Scaffold tubes must not protrude into access ways.
  2. Working on or above glazed roof lights or panels
    • Before any work is undertaken above or in the vicinity of glazed roof lights or panels, these areas must be suitably protected from damage by falling objects. Areas below the glazed roof lights or panels where work is being carried out must be sufficiently fenced off.
    • The instructions of supervising officers of HKUST must be strictly followed before any works can be carried out on glazed roof lights or panels.
  3. Precautions during lifting operations
    • Appropriate measures must be taken to ensure safety during lifting operations. Proper type of lifting appliances and lifting gears must be used. Premises occupants and the public should be kept away with appropriate means from areas affected by the lifting operations.
    • Appropriate warning notices must be posted by the contractors at conspicuous locations giving adequate warning to occupants and the public about the danger of the work being carried out.
H. General Requirements for Scaffolds and Other Access Equipment
  1. The contractor is fully responsible for all aspects of scaffolding, including the employment of competent persons for the erection, maintenance and inspection of the scaffolds. The scaffolds must be capable of supporting the loads for which they are intended, including such allowance as is necessary for wind loading, scaffold fans, etc.
  2. All scaffolds are required to be rigidly connected to the building or other structure unless the scaffold is so designed and constructed as to ensure stability without such connections.
  3. All scaffolds, towers, cradles etc must be maintained in a safe condition.
  4. Satisfactory storage arrangements for scaffold tubes and fittings should be agreed with the responsible supervising office of HKUST prior to the arrival of the tubes and fittings on site.
  5. When works are being carried out on a scaffold, an adequate barrier (or a clear demarcation using warning tape, or similar method depending on the circumstances) must be provided and maintained at least 2 metres clear of the scaffold. Where the 2-metre distance from the scaffold cannot be maintained due to space restriction, other means of protection such as installation of overhead fans must be provided, otherwise access close to the scaffold must be completely fenced off.
  6. Metal ladders must not be used around electrical installations where the risk of electrocution exists.
  7. Ladders must not be left unattended. Ladders must not be located near doorways or main passageways unless they are properly guarded by a person at the base.
  8. Scaffolds, ladders and other access equipment must be dismantled or removed as soon as they are no longer needed.
  9. Scaffolds must only be erected or dismantled when the surrounding areas are clear of premises occupants. The areas which may be affected by the operation must be adequately fenced off.
I. Precautions to Prevent Danger from Vehicles
  1. The contractor must take all necessary precautions to safeguard premises occupants from the movement of his vehicles. This should include, where practicable, make arrangement for separate access to the site for contractor’s personnel and equipment for the work. If vehicle movement is required in areas where there are premises occupants, the contractor must ensure that there is sufficient warning for the movements of vehicles and that a trained banksman is employed. Details should be agreed with the responsible supervising officers of HKUST.
  2. Warning signs and notices must be displayed in conspicuous positions at all entrances being used by contractor’s vehicles.
  3. The contractor must observe all traffic regulations and signs (e.g. speed limit) in the campus areas.
  4. Vehicles used by the contractor inside the campus areas must be properly licensed and insured.
J. Interference with Existing Services
  1. No diversion or disconnection of any of the existing services, other than those as shown on the drawings and included in the contract, should be carried out without the prior written approval of the responsible supervising officers of HKUST.
  2. The contractor must ensure that proper isolation has been carried out before any work is conducted on the existing services.
  3. The contractor must maintain unobstructed access to all fire hydrant points, hosereels, switch-rooms, etc.
K. Fire Precautions
  1. The contractor must ensure that all fire exits are kept clear at all times and that combustible materials are not allowed to accumulate.
  2. The contractor must provide suitable and adequately maintained fire extinguishers for use in relation to his work activities.
  3. The contractor must comply with the Hot Work Procedures of HKUST for any hot work operations. A Hot Work Permit must be obtained from the responsible supervising office of HKUST before any hot work can be carried out on all HKUST premises.
  4. The contractor must arrange proper storage for all flammable substances to be used on site. If the flammable substances exceed the exempted quantities as stipulated in the Dangerous Goods Ordinance, they must be stored in appropriate dangerous goods stores. Details of the arrangement should be discussed and agreed with the responsible supervising office of HKUST.
  5. LPG cylinders not in use must be stored in the open air in a well ventilated area at ground level on a firm, even surface at least 3 metres away from any basements, drains, excavations or other hollows where vapour may collect, and in a position where the store will not jeopardize existing means of escape.
  6. Cylinders of LPG used at bitumen boilers or cauldrons must be placed at least 3 metres from the burner. The boiler and cylinders must be located where they are not likely to be struck by vehicular traffic. A boiler or cauldron must not be left unattended, or moved with the burner alight.
  7. The contractor must ensure that his employees and subcontractors are aware of HKUST's fire evacuation procedures.
L. Dangerous, Noxious or Offensive Substances
  1. The contractor must provide the supervising officers of the HKUST with relevant information on any dangerous, noxious or offensive substances or processes to be handled or used on site which might present a risk to the health and safety of the premises occupants. Examples are acids used for cleaning buildings, solvents, strong smelling paints/adhesives, timber preservatives, etc.
  2. The information required above should include details of the substances or processes to be handled or used, and the precautions the contractor intends to take for the protection of the premises occupants. Precautions to be considered include proper storage, restrictions on the use of buildings and open access areas by the premises occupants, restrictions on working hours by the contractor, physical protection and liaison with responsible supervising officers of HKUST.
  3. Appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets (SDS) of hazardous materials must be available to responsible supervising officers of HKUST upon request. There may be cases where contractors are required to submit SDS at the bidding stage.
M. Nuisance and Interference
  1. All work should be carried out so as to cause the minimum nuisance and interference to the premises occupants, as well as to the public.
  2. The contractor must take all practicable measures to minimize the effect of construction noise by using the most effective noise reduction measures available. Equipment likely to cause disturbance to the premises occupants should only be used within the periods previously agreed by the supervising officers of HKUST. These equipment must comply with EPD regulations on noise muffling requirements.
  3. The contractor must undertake all practicable precautions to minimize the generation of dust from their work activities.
  4. Notwithstanding the precautions mentioned above, the contractor must give sufficient warning of the possible nuisance or interference to the supervising officers of HKUST so that appropriate arrangements can be made by the University.
N. Working at Proximity of Fresh Air Intake Locations
  1. No work is allowed to be carried at the proximity of fresh air intake locations without the written approval of the Facilities Management Office.
  2. Vehicles parking close to a fresh air intake location must have their engines turned off.
  3. Smoking near fresh air intake locations are strictly forbidden.
O. Skips and Site Clearance
  1. Waste, dust, dirt and other debris caused by the contractor’s operations must be cleared regularly by the contractor and placed in skips. These should be sited to cause the minimum inconvenience to the premises users and the public.
  2. If the skips are not within the general perimeter or barrier fence, they must be adequately fenced off from the surrounding areas still in common use. The contractor should ensure that there is no throwing or tipping of materials from upper stories into skips unless an enclosed chute is used.
P. Other Specific Hazards
  1. Electrical safety
    • All electrical equipment used on site must be of a safe design and in safe conditions. All live parts must be protected against accidental personal contact.
    • Power cables must not be allowed to trail across public passageways. If this is unavoidable, suitable crossover device and adequate warning must be provided.
    • Portable electrical equipment must not be left unattended in common areas.
    • Electrical equipment being used in common areas must be adequately fenced off with appropriate warning signs.
    • Connections to the power supply must be made by properly constructed plugs and sockets meeting appropriate safety standards. Tapping in fuse boxes is not permitted.
  2. Excavations/manholes in open access areas
    • All excavations in open access areas must be properly covered or fenced off while they are not in immediate use. Proper warning lights must be provided to warn pedestrians or night traffic if the excavations are accessible by the public.
    • Appropriate checks must be made to locate and avoid underground services before excavations are carried out.
    • Proper manhole barriers must be erected to warn premises occupants and vehicular traffic when work is performed in manholes. Manholes must be properly covered when they are not being accessed.
  3. Electric arc welding and cutting
    Proper shielding must be provided to protect the premises occupants from being affected by the strong ultra-violet light produced by electric arc welding and cutting operations.