Safe Handling of Peroxidizable and Potentially Explosive Chemicals

This is a reminder to all chemical users who work with explosive, peroxidizable, and chemicals such as formic acid, which may present special hazards after prolonged period of storage. These chemicals are found in many laboratories on campus. Working and storing of these chemicals require extreme care. Mismanagement of these chemicals could easily lead to disastrous consequences. Users are required to keep a good inventory record of these chemicals and perform relevant testing, such as the peroxide tests for peroxidizable chemicals, regularly. Whenever you see bottles of these chemicals with obsolete manufacturing dates or without any testing label, you should inform your supervisor or HSEO for arranging disposal. Users should plan and work carefully and be familiar with the emergency procedures associated with the use of these compounds. 

Sort lists of chemicals mentioned above and other relevant information can be found below. 

The lists are by no mean comprehensive. Users are advised to read SDSs of the chemicals concerned carefully when in doubt. Should you need further information, please feel free to contact us. 

On a related subject, lab users are reminded not to carry out hazardous operations during after office hours whenever possible. If operations during after office hours are unavoidable, users must take steps to ensure proper operation of any safety related equipment, such as the fume hood. Two-men rule should be applied. If it is not practicable, users should notify responsible persons so that someone is aware of their presence and their work.